Montimaru System (spring 2019)
① Whitening (Returning to a neutral body-mind)
- Yoga Asana
- Body-scanning
- Space-expansion
② Basic movements (Discovering the maximum intensity of small simple movements)
- Standing
- Walking
- Twisting
- Standing and sinking
- Falling and re-standing
- Creation of body parts (hands, eyes, back, arms, legs)
③ Metamorphose (Discovering the unlimited diversity of different qualities of the body-mind-space)
③-1 Physical Level
- Different textures of body
③-2 Meta-physical Level
- Embodying visual images (paintings, video arts, natural elements)
- Embodying sounds
④ Creating a performance (Discovering how to transform personal journey into universal poem on the stage)
- Duo/group play
- Inner process of building solo/group performances (materials and scores)
- Time (continuity, flow, discontinuity, suspension...)
- Minimal and maximal polarities
- Relationship with music, objects, and costumes
- Coming into the space, disappearing from the space
- Composition and structured improvisation